1st Melbourne/1st Eccelshall, Holland 2015

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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

One week and there days in......

One week ago today, the Scouts were doing the activity trail (high gear island ) at the Haarlem jamborette, before that they had already done Hikes, the day before that the main opening games/activities, and 11 days ago we arrived.

Now Tuesday morning one week and three days in, arts crafts+tech


  1. Thanks again for these fantastic updates, really going to miss checking these daily , its been a joy to see what you have all been up to!

  2. There's still more to come, due to time etc once not been able to post everything that I wanted to. So starting from friday (or maybe Thursday ;) ) the updates will keep coming with a day by day review.

    Tomorrow you can track our progress back to Melbourne


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