1st Melbourne/1st Eccelshall, Holland 2015

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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Thursday 4th August ( lost track of how many days in )

So today weve had jambo tours, one group went to Amsterdam for the Brainiac tour, the other to Haarlem for the High voltage tour.

Henry, who went to Amsterdam said.."we went to the amsterdam scince museum, called nemo, it was realy realy fun, afterwards, we tried to go to the ann frank muesuem, but there was such  a long que that we couldnt get in. so we had a bit of free time in Amsterdam.

Max, who went to the high voltage tour said " after we got off the bus we went to an old church that was 500 years old, and we had atour round there, the floor was made out of gravestones, (1,500 ) after that we went in the attic, and the floor felt like it was going to fall down any minute, then we left and went to a park to have lunch, and Dave fell asleep! the we had some free time walking round the shops in groups of three. :)

Trev - "what do you think of the camp so far max?"
Max sys: "one of the best camp camps so far, brilliant so far"

So thats that, i may be able to post some photos from the brainiac tour ( amsterdam) later, but i dont have any from the high votlage tour, as dave was on that one and he says his camera has broken ( or he doesnt know how to make it turn on )

Tommorow it Sports on the activity schedule, if you have a look at the photos on the main website you should get a good idea of whats comming.
 Weather wise, its been yet another hot day, with a few heavy showeres this evening, although these seem to have stopped for now.

More photos later, all being well.

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