1st Melbourne/1st Eccelshall, Holland 2015

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Wednesday, 10 August 2011

End of day 11

Its been another full on day, with the scouts out on various and not so obvious crazy craft activities.
The closing ceremony was excellent, and was followed up with a disco, and late night tuck shop, all the scouts are now in bed, and it won't be long before the leaders are asleep, daves already fast asleep as we can hear him snoring.
So tomorow its time to clear up, the tents must be down by 10am, and the table not long after that, with all the poles going back to where they came from.
Then we will have some free time, until the bus picks us up at 4pm, (melbourne  eccleshall  leave us at 11am) and takes us to schiphol  and from there home.

so from a clear , moonlit star laden final night at  the 11th Haarlem jamborette, goodnight - day 12 tomorow.

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