Affter arriving on site we soon managed to set up our tents, and start buildiing the table/eating area.
Soon after that was done it was time to start our first evening meal, the ingredients for which were fetched from the subcamp food tent:
tomato soup with meatballs and noodles and hotdogs.
This morning weve had breakfast, and the Scouts have a bit of free time before lunch then at about 2:30 there should be a few activities starting on the site, before the main opening ceromony this evening.
Tommorow, it looks like an early start, as were all off to a theme park - wallibi world for the day.
Ellis is just passsing by and has said "im enjoying it and so far its a good laugh"
As for photos, weve been photogrpahed arriving at the airport, and at other times on site, so keep an eye on the main haarlem jamborette website, and as far as photos on this blog go, i will try and get a few more up, as when and if i can ( they may be a bit more random as im having a ferw network/email problems )
another update soon - trev.